Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Who needs a plate?

So a few friends and I decided to do something a little different tonight......we decided to make dinner and eat it right off the table! We covered it in foil and saran wrap and just went ahead and dumped the food on it. It was really fun....a little awkward, but fun! I think we are going to do ice cream next time!!! Yes- in Rexburg, Idaho we have to get a little creative.


jennie said...

Hey Jess! looks like you had fun! Mike used to do that on his Mission- they called it Caveman Style...

David and Janalee said...

MMMMM Yummy! Looks like you may have had a RM in your group since I have three RM brothers who have all done that...the ice cream may get a bit messy if you don't eat fast! Fun times in I am guessing boring Rexburg?
Love ya!

haley hoch said...

This is Haley Hoch! (melissa's child!) :)! that looks like fun.

Orange Peanut said...

How fun!!!! Can't wait to see pictures from the ice cream feast!!!!

Jill said...

How FUN! I miss the days of creative living! I am gonna try that with my kids some time.

Melissa said...

How funny! I never got that "inventive" in my apartment days. However, with six kids, I may as well try it. The food rarely stays on the plates! LOL! Looks like life at BYU Idaho is treating you well!